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On the balcony at the Oriental Lodge in Blantyre, Malawi |
Five of us also climbed Mount Zobue, which, for Dan and I, had been a long-standing goal. Though we had hiked through the fields and to the top of smaller, neighboring mountains, we hadn't yet climbed to the top of BIG mountain.
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View of Mount Zobue from a smaller, neighboring mountain. Taken in January. |
During the course of our climb, we were surprised by a few things. First, there was no actual "trail." To reach the top, we pushed our way through cornfields and tall grasses to reach the base of the mountain, then found a thin, snaking footpath that lead from a "low point" to a "higher point" on the mountain. The second surprise was the fact that we could find no actual vista point when we reached the top. In lieu of an actual vista at the top of the mountain, we stood on the tallest rock that we could find and then admired the tree trunks, vines, and tree ferns that were growing all around us. In terms of vistas, we had to settle for the views along the side of the path on the hike back down the mountain. The third surprise was the fact that we were climbing into an actual cloud forest. We had no idea that the forest was so dense and expansive in the crevices between the giant stone domes (there are three) of Mount Zobue.
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David, Mike, Dan, Mac, and Bwino climbing the mountain |
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Climbing into the cloud forest |
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Along the path to the top of the mountain |
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Bwino resting in the vegetation at the top of the mountain |
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The puppy is too scared to go down the mountain by himself |
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Vista point on the way back down (with Dan, Mac, and Bwino) |
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Mountain Flower |
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Mountain Flower |
After our three-day adventure in Tete/Malawi, we traveled south to Chimoio to meet with other volunteers for our ReConnect conference. Usually, Peace Corps volunteers stay at a hotel within the city of Chimoio itself, but this year, due to budget restraints, we were placed at resort and conference center that was located 7km outside the city. The countryside was beautiful, but cell phone service was sparse. This was a big disappointment for many people who live out in the bush and had hoped to use this time to talk with family back in the United States. Still, though, none of us could complain. It was nice to be together and to stay in a hotel that has hot running water.
The conference ran for three days and gave us an opportunity to discuss the accomplishments and challenges that we have been facing over these past few months. Also, we didn't have to cook for ourselves. At night, we watched movies and played cards.
I love, love, love my Mozambican neighbors but sometimes, at site, I just really miss Americans.
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Milpark Hotel and Conference Center in Chimoio, Mozambique |
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Conference Room |
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Afternoon tea at the hotel. With volunteers Nic, Dan, Sean, Nate, Zach, and Theresa |
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Lunch at the hotel. With Jamie, Hoang, Valerie, Jonathan, Chris, and Mike |
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The single, lonely horse who lived at the hotel. Mostly we would just find her standing around outside our rooms, staring into space. |
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I opened my hotel room door to find... |
Finally, on the last day of our conference, we received a shipment of packages from the post office in Chimoio. The mail system here is corrupt and, frankly, disappointing, but three packages did survive the gauntlet (multiple flights, customs, and thieves) and arrived intact. All three were from my mother and included Easter candy, pajamas, stuffed animals, and (for my students), balloons, stickers, and, best of all, a hard-cover copy of "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish."
To all those people who have sent packages that have
not yet arrived-- don't give up hope! Mail is
slow in Mozambique. Stories abound of packages that arrive six months to one year after they have been sent. Although, if you sent a package in September or October, chances are that it is now probably in the care of a nice Mozambican family that needs it more than I do.
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Playing with the items from my Easter care package. |
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Thank you, Mom! |
Over the next few days, I will be traveling south with Mary, Adrienne, and Dan.
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Mary (and a baobab tree, in Tete Province) |
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Adrienne (and the friendly horse in Chimoio, Mozambique) |
We will be traveling to Beira first, to visit Adrienne's site in Buzi. Then, after a day or two, we will catch a boleia to Vilankulo.
Travel Map - Zobue to Chimoio (511 km), to Beira (204 km), and to Vilankulo (538km) |
Vilankulo is immensely popular with South African tourists and is famous for its beaches. It is also home to a string of off-shore islands that constitute Bazaruto National Park. The islands and surrounding reefs are home to crocodiles, flamingos, sea turtles, and dolphins. Best of all, it hosts the largest and only viable (reproducing) population of dugongs in the West Indian Ocean.
Dugong! (Dugong Dugon) |
I may be in and out of contact over the next few days, but rest assured that I am alive and well somewhere along the vast and varied coastline of Mozambique. I promise that I will take pictures.
Google Image Search: Vilankulo |
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